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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Borgia, Jeffrey
overview Director, Rush University Cancer Center Biorepository. Director, Rush Biomarker Development Core. My Scopus ID is 6602993443. My NIH COMMONS name is JBORGIA. Research Areas: My research is primarily focused on the development of novel diagnostic tests based on ‘Omic’-level profiling of patient specimens and/or mechanistic insights for pathophysiology. As the Director of the Rush Cancer Center Biorepository, I oversee the collection and annotation of patient specimens to support translational research projects and clinical trials that are ongoing in the Rush University Cancer Center. My role as the Director of the Rush Biomarker Development Core permits me to facilitate the administration of ‘state of the art’ services aimed at the discovery and development of novel biomarkers aimed at altering treatment decisions in the clinics, ranging from early cancer detection to personalized treatment selection for patients. Platforms supported include quantitative mass spectrometry and custom Luminex immunoassays that, combined with accompanying laboratory automation and skilled personnel, generate very high-throughput biomarker discovery, assay development (with analytical validation), and routine specimen processing. In response to the global Covid-19 pandemic my laboratory has developed a novel multiplex serological test that has been submitted for FDA approval under the Emergency Use Authorization. This assay quantitatively evaluates an immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including antibodies associated with viral neutralization. Further, my lab has partnered with Dr. Jeffrey Schneider and Dr. João Mamede to provide a functional assessment of SARS-CoV-2 neutralization through an ‘in house’ developed pseudovirus neutralization assay. My Faculty Profile at Rush University Medical Center: https://www.rushu.rush.edu/faculty/jeffrey-borgia-phd My Laboratory: https://www.rushu.rush.edu/research/departmental-research/cell-molecular-medicine-research/laboratory-jeffrey-borgia-phd My NCBI Bibliography: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/browse/collection/40797756/?sort=date&direction=descending My Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602993443 Education: PhD, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities BS, Eckerd College
Search Criteria
  • Mass Spectrometry